Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Strictly Ballroom 1992

Due to illness and CNY holidays, I was unable to write past 2 weeks. However, lets get back in full swing of blog writing with the 1992 Strictly Ballroom

The usage of conformity, compliance and obedience is prominently seen throughout the entire movie. From the literal dancers leading and following, dancing the carefully crafted ADF (Australian Dance Federation) steps, to trickery and foul play. The directors of this movie were no stranger to the uses of conformity, compliance and obedience. 

What I would like to talk about however, is not necessarily where Scott, Fran, Shirley or even Barrey may have used conformity, compliance or obedience or even the subjugation of it. What I do applaud this movie for was the portrayal of characters and the choices the took in the face of such influence and subjugation. Better yet as Fran had said:

What struck me with this is regarding how each of these characters when faced with against the odds. Or in the other words, being force to conform, comply and obey. Is the astounding fact that majority of times, our beloved characters had complied and obeyed due to fear.

Shirley,when she didn't dance with Doug at their Pan Pacific due to Barry's insufferable ability to play with their fear. Fran, during the backstage, requested to go back by the group in order to not jeopardize Scott's chance of winning. Scott when Barry lied about the reason why Doug stopped dancing and what happened in the paste. All of them willing complied in those few moments due to the fact of fear.

 A life lived in fear

They will need to take a stand against their own fear, with the help of friends such as Fran with Scott. Or when the truth was revealed to Scott by Doug and what happened all those years ago. The decision to take action against their fears. If anything, during the finally competition, where Scott and Fran finally muster the courage to dance their steps.

To be willing enough to face and overcome your own fear. Catharsis, freedom to decide, to chase your desires and dreams. Personally, I am not able to do it yet, hopefully I'll gather the passion that Scott and Fran did during the Pan Pacific and do just the same.

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