Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Running On Empty 1988

This week on Kai Hung writes a Movie Blog, we have the 1988 movie Running On Empty

(even with the lowering gas prices)

But this one =D 

My immediate interest and take from the movie is revolving around our two love birds
Danny & Lorna 

What struck me as interesting is considering how their relationship grew and progress. As would any relationship, a certain degree of self disclosure is required between two people in order for trust to be built according to Routledge (n.d). However as our dear Danny and Lorna first met, it was almost chemistry. Subtle sparks that flare as they speak, yet an interest grew in one another. As their relationship progress and Danny learns more and more about Lorna as she willing shares in hopes that maybe Danny boy would too. Yet as Lorna shares, Danny did not reciprocate this self-disclose between the both of them. In a sense, the level of closeness or intimacy between the two hitting a stale point in which as Lorna has this to say:

"You don't transmit too much information"

However, how are you in heavens name going to disclose any form of information to the person you are slowly growing feelings for or in other words how does Danny tell Lorna "Hey, my parents are the ones on the run from the FBI, I'm sorry I can't talk about a lot of things, and I've been doing this since I was 2"

Yet that was exactly what Danny did, and this is what he had to add to it.

My take a way from this is vulnerability. To be vulnerable with the person you love or as I like to put it "Giving them the gun and hoping they don't pull the trigger on you"
Ah emotions, what a wonderful thing

Given the degree of trust and vulnerability Danny had shown to Lorna, this really does put into consideration what some people are willing to risk for others for love. Not only jeopardizing his family's safety but Lorna's as well. Should love be heartless and cold, where in which you do not allow yourself the room to be emotionally involved, to be indestructible, unable to be hurt. Yet from what we saw, that is not what love is actually about. Yes some argue the course of action taken by Danny is that of a selfish and foolish boy, yet a boy struck by love.

Can you blame him?
 Romantic relationships are not my forte, I for one am learning as I go. Vulnerability was not something that came easy to me, yet something that I had to learn as the pasting time. To be vulnerable is to love.

or as C.S Lewis said
"To Love At All Is To Be Vulnerable" 


Routledge (n.d). Affective interdependence: Intimacy and commitment. Retrieved from: http://documents.routledge-interactive.s3.amazonaws.com/9781848728943/student/CHAP%2012%20SUMMARY.pdf