Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Chariots of Fire 1981

So patriotism and religion both play roles in any individuals life, being patriotic towards their country to stand with their fellow man against all odds. Or while praying and believing in what their creator and made before them. On the other hand, what of the man who would put both aside for the pursuit of excellence, to oppose cultural norms in order to be the very best that they are capable of? With that the 1981 movie Chariots of Fire.

Now the Chariot of Fire could more of less be summed up by two extraordinary people with the pursuit of glory. Yet that would be down playing for what these two individuals had gone through. In life, the course of action that is taken by any individual is likely cause by their value priorities and behaviors. Now Abraham could easily be seen as a heretic for seeking the help of a professional, as seen by the lunch meeting he had with some of the aristocrats. Here lies two opposing ideas, one that the pursuit of excellence should be by one's on effort without the assistance of external help (the aristocrats) and two which is to achieve and surpass their own current limits by any means necessary in order to achieve their full capabilities (Abraham). 

So two every contradicting ideas, one by their own efforts and other by any means necessary. If you were to look at the movie, Abraham was always portrayed as a Jew with prestige given to him. Yet you could see the type of values priorities he has. Standing against the prejudice against him for a religion he practices by simply earning the respect he rightful desires by simply being the best. The determination for him to achieve. Hence it was seen when Abraham decided to oppose the aristocrats and their old ideas by hiring a professional to further his personal training and abilities. The value priorities that he holds simply outweigh the ideas of others held against him.

This was similarly seen for Eric, however it was opposing those in authority when he was required to run during the Sabbath.  Given Eric was born of a missionary, he too decides to continue in his fathers work to spread the work of God. Given such, upholding the practices of his religion regardless of what is expected or required of him. In his case of value priorities, Eric's religious beliefs hold far greater priority over his need to run and succeed or even patriotism towards his Majesty the King. So in the end, priorities of an individual can easily shape the actions that they would likely take.  

Would you sacrifice everything in order to achieve glory? or stand above all others in your own beliefs. Either way, I think that the priorities of an individual should be the business of the individual and none other. For we are but men which equal desires, just placed in different areas.