Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Awakenings 1990

-We are but fools chasing sunsets-

If you are reading this, you either have to or find my writing some what interesting so welcome back to this week with the 1990 movie Awakenings.

How I will be approaching this movie will be my general take away from it and what I found of interest which is:


Most of us at any given point in our lives would have felt the sensation that time has passed by unnoticed (like how most weekends goes sadly) or the "Where did all the time go". In the movie Awakenings it too faces this phenomena but sadly not in the way that we may have commonly face before. In the movie Awakenings, the way this phenomena was demonstrated was when the survivors of encephalitis epidemic finally had awaken thanks to the help of our dear Dr. Sayer through the usage of a new experimental drug.

 yes you aren't asleep anymore Leonard and it is because of 

 this guy right here ( awww look at the good doc =3 )

What has occurred to the victims of these disease that is they have shown similar affects to that of Parkinson's but also with what appears to be the lost of conscious awareness. If you were to think of time as a common video bar, now imagine what a bar worth of 30 years of content would look like. Now imagine that this was your life, that your memories are what those 30 years of content is. But in the case of the victim of this disease, it is waking up and realizing that someone had skipped forward that very same bar.

I guess you really can say time is relative.

However it isn't exactly that simple, cause according to Leonard in the movie, those 30 years were similar to dreaming. The only time he knew it wasn't a dream was when Leonard talked and Dr Sayer understood him. Yet as would any person, should they experience something such as this, would have every right to feel angry, scared and the injustice that life has swindled them and taken that in which should be theirs. But instead, the man has this to say:-

Yet life is but a harsh teacher in which the test is given but without the lesson before it. As time progresses, either the drug had lost its miracle magic or the awaken had begun to habituate to it. Which is to say, it is hard to tell. As they began the slow spiral, as they did before, slowly slipping, and slowly losing their consciousness once again. In a sense submerging and reemerging periods between the bar instead of experiencing it as would any other.

Our consciousness is in my opinion the very entity of our being, our soul, that which gives will to our bodies. We are the universe experiencing itself and it is hard to tell when this finite amount of time we have in this supposed existence runs out. Yet this time we are given, would hold no significant meaning other than a scale of measurement should we as humans not be able to appreciate and experience that in which has been given to us. Or as the good doc put it:-

-To enjoy the simplest things in life-

Life in which it gives,
It is life in which it takes.